Translators Associations Eurasia: CD

Professional responsibility in Turkish translations

Translators Associations Eurasia: CDFounded in 1999, this translators association is a qualified organisation eager to establish dialogue between all parts involved in the process of translation, as well as those who share an interest on the profession. The majority of its members are translators, but there are also academics, editors, operators and publishers, in many different locations, whose contributions only benefit the organisation.

The Turkish Translation Association (Çeviri Dernegi, CD) was born with the purpose of making society understand the importance of translation and the job of the translator. For respect to be accomplished, it is imperative to strengthen solidarity with the world of translation.

For CD, in order to achieve cultural progress, communication is of great importance for every organisation, and it cannot be restricted to a national territory, it has to be made internationally. Thus, this Turkish translators association is a member of important international translation associations, as well as an associate of several other civil society organisations. This contributes towards emphasising a common field of dialogue and sharing.

The Turkish Translation Association has defined a set of priorities. Among them, there is the creation and development of regulations on the profession. Qualification of translators, as well as their rights, deserves a better appreciation. The appropriate framework conditions are also very important.

CD believes that skilled translation is not a coincidence. It can only be achieved with the accumulation of knowledge, experience and cultural sensitivity.

One of the purposes of this association is to develop the professions of interpreter and translator, elevate the standards and help the industry improve is all aspects. CD also wished to emphasise the importance of scientific translation, raising awareness for it amongst the general public.

In order to be respected, the translation and interpretation professionals must have their rights and obligations established. They need to be identified and regularly updated, in the name of ethics. This must be assured by translators associations and CD is committed on making a relevant contribution towards its accomplishment. Moreover, the organisation commits to encourage, supervise and monitor the whole process.

Another important contribution CD wants to make has to do with the continuing education and training of translators and interpreters, providing the necessary environment and tools. This involves research and development activities that shall support the work of professionals. Furthermore, CD wants to encourage these projects by promoting them but also by rewarding them.

The Turkish translators association wants to develop links that will lead to an increase in the quality of the work, particularly with translation companies, but also with other businesses, publishing houses, etc. There is also the wish to work for the establishment of a professional chamber.

In Turkey – and Istanbul in particular, where the organisation is seeded – people of various backgrounds come together, thus the importance of cultural awareness, mutual respect, particularly when you’re dealing with as delicate an issue as language. It is also in the aims of the association to build bridges.

Keep in mind that Turkish, also referred to as Istanbul Turkish, is a language spoken as a native tongue by over 83 million people worldwide, making it the most commonly spoken of the Turkic languages.

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