Translators association Europe: NO

How translators successfully stood together against publishers

Translators association Europe: NOThe Norwegian Association of Literary Translators (NO) was established in 2006, after Norwegian translators had campaigned for five months for better pay and a better agreement with the publishers. It is an independent based in Oslo organization and one of several specialized translators associations in Norway.

In November of 2011 this translators association had 308 members translating into Norwegian from 48 languages and also a number of members who collectively translated from Norwegian into eight other languages.

The objectives of this translators association are to serve as a professional meeting place for literary translators; maintain excellence in Norwegian translations; defend and promote the shared professional and financial interests of its members; assist individual members in other ways.

NO represents the interests of its members with state institutions, before the law, in matters regarding copyright protection, and in other areas.

On behalf of its members, this translation association also negotiates and concludes standard agreements with various private and public parties.

NO’s main source of income is the share of Public Lending Right revenue that is allocated to literary translators. It finances the association’s daily running and is partly reserved for grants –keep in mind that both members and non-members can apply for grants and other forms of assistance.

NO is an active association that pursues and participates in a broad range of projects and initiatives relating both to members rights and to matters of professional concern.
This translators association organizes seminars, courses, workshops and debates, both for members, other translators and a general public, publishes a newsletter for members and an online directory of translators, with an annual paper version.

For members, the annual autumn seminar, lasting for three days and taking place in beautiful surroundings in Hadeland in the vicinity of Oslo, is a must. This seminar has a different theme each year and ranges from how to translate dialogue and slang to translation of thrillers, fantasy or the classics. This is an event that averages around ninety participants.

This translation association also runs a series of informal and intimate presentations and discussions on selected topics, primarily for members and normally twice a semester.


Can apply for memberships are professional literary translators that translate to or from Norwegian and live in Norway or literary translators translating into Norwegian or Sami and living abroad.

Applicants must submit two published translations of fiction, drama or poetry, together with the originals.

The association has several special support programs for members. Health insurance reimbursement, financing for equipment purchase, and a solidarity fund to assist members financially in unusual circumstances are just a few examples.

NO owns an apartment in Berlin, which is let to members on a weekly basis.

On NO’s website, members have free access to a range of dictionaries and other reference works. From this website, anyone can log on to the translators’ discussion forum “o-ringen” to seek help from colleagues via email.

The translators association is a member of the European Council of Associations of Literary Translators, the European Writers Council, the International Federation of Translators, the Baltic Writers' Council and the Three Seas Writers' and Translators' Council.

If you need additional information about this translation association, send an email to

Keep in mind that Norwegian is the official language of Norway. It is spoken by around 5 million people.

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